Font of Mercy

Where mercy flows from the heart into the world.

From the spiritual works of mercy…

counsel the doubtful
instruct the ignorant
admonish the misguided
comfort the afflicted
model forgiveness

To the corporal works of mercy.

feed the hungry
give drink to the thirsty
clothe the naked
shelter the homeless
visit the sick and imprisoned

The Various Fonts of Mercy


Experience the mercy of God with a trusted spiritual companion.

My Morning

Meet the everyday God through reflections on life and nature.

and Talks

Deepen the connection with God in a specialty workshop or retreat.


Share the mercy of God. Support the ministry and put faith into action.

The story behind the Font of Mercy

Founder Scott Gilfillan: blogger, retreat master, and spiritual director. And Mack

The concept of the Font of Mercy is simple:  channel the stipends and donations received through spiritual direction and retreats to help people living on the margins of society:   the homeless, the hungry, and the imprisoned. 

In this way, the ‘font of mercy’ flows from the spiritual to the corporal works of mercy.  Through spiritual direction and specialty retreats, the spiritual works are in full display:  counsel, instruct, comfort, and forgive.  The beneficiaries of these ministries are the hungry, the homeless, and the imprisoned and others Jesus shows a preference to in Matthew 25, “the least among us.” 

The concept of may be simple, but its evolution came after a year of my spiritual director guiding me through the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius (19th Annotation).  Prior to this I thought I had reached the pinnacle of my ministerial service. In 2018, God opened the way for me to be the director of the Catholic Conference Center, a large retreat center in Western North Carolina.  My gifts of administration, preaching, writing, and spiritual direction found fertile ground to germinate and grow.  Just as I was looking ahead to five more years of flourishing in this environment, the Lord let me know in various ways that it’s time to move on.  But was not so clear as to what.  Like Abraham, the Lord told me to pack up all my things and go, but didn’t tell him where. After a couple of months of additional prayer, the concept of the Font of Mercy began to immerge.  It’s a way I can do what brings me great joy, share my gifts with others, and support the people who are dear to my heart.

You can support this ministry by making an inquiry for spiritual direction, talking to me about a future retreat, subscribing to the weekly reflections, or simply making a donation. 

I’ve come to believe that mercy needs to flow for it to flourish.  Jesus said it best in the Beatitudes:  “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall be shown mercy.”  (Mt 5:7)

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