Spiritual direction engagement agreement

By entering a relationship with a spiritual director, you are committing to sustained, spiritual growth. This is best achieved by being open to hearing the gentle voice of the Holy Spirit, and willing to act on the promptings that come through spiritual direction (see spiritual direction page). Here are some points of agreement to provide some basic guidelines in this relationship between you and the director.

The Relationship

You are meeting with your spiritual director because you want to examine and grow in your spiritual life. The following link to Guidelines for Ethical Conduct explains the roles. At times, it is appropriate to discuss psychological, relational, and financial difficulties these are done in the context of how they are impacting your spiritual life.  Any decisions and actions resulting from spiritual direction are purely your responsibility. 


The director will hold all conversations in strict confidence, as one would expect in a confessional.  The exceptions would be those required by law that involve potential harm to a minor, a vulnerable adult, or you, the directee.  The director may confidentially share portions of a session with a supervisor, masking enough personal details to protect the anonymity of the directee. The time together is sacred and an atmosphere of trust is essential. On the other hand, you are free to share whatever you choose about the conversations with anyone.


Spiritual Direction is a service provided by the Font of Mercy, a non-profit ministry that uses funds to support the needs of the most marginalized in society. The fees for a one-hour session are on a sliding scale determined by the directee and his/her ability to pay.  If a person has a dire financial need, fees will be waived. Checks should be made to the Font of Mercy and mailed to 1881 Goat Road, Catawba, NC 28609.  Alternatively, you can make an online payment following this link:  Support Font of Mercy.  Payment should be made before the scheduled session.    

Scheduling Sessions

The director and the directee commit to beginning and ending sessions on time. If you wish to change your appointment, you will let the director know at least 24 hours in advance by emailing or calling. Without this notice, you will pay the agreed-upon fee. The director will not send you reminders for the sessions. The frequency of sessions is usually monthly but can be modified depending on the needs of the directee.  If you would like to briefly share a success or a problem with the director between sessions, you may freely do so via e-mail, voice mail, or text with no expectation of additional stipends. 

Evaluation of Relationship

After three sessions, it is recommended that the directee initiate an evaluation of the relationship with the director and suggest any changes going forward.

To acknowledge your consent, please complete the following form:

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The amount is determined by the directee and his/her ability to pay, usually $40-$60.
I have read and understand the Spiritual Direction Engagement Agreement