Author: Deacon Scott
Tiempo de Tumba
Necesitamos un poco de tiempo de tumba para salir del Viernes Santo y vivir la resurrección.
Put down your stones
Some of the stones we carry have specific names like pride, envy, and anger. Jesus says simply, “Put down your stones.”
Saying no to ‘prodigal’ anger
Holding a grudge? Feeling unappreciated? Mad that life is unfair? Nurturing a hurt from a long time ago? Learn a lesson from the prodigal father and his son.
Decir No a Enójo Pródigo
¿Guardando resentimiento? ¿Se siente despreciado? ¿Loco porque la vida es injusta? ¿Cuidando un dolor de hace mucho tiempo? Aprende una lección del padre pródigo y su hijo.
Hope in Suffering
The cross of Jesus is the only way to make sense of the suffering we experience.
Who’s in your throne room?
Once upon a time, there was a kingdom. In the kingdom was a castle. Inside the castle was one large room. Inside the room was a throne. Sitting on the throne was a man, very much like every other man only more gentle, more peaceable, more thoughtful, and more humble…