Author: Deacon Scott

  • Don’t get discouraged

    Don’t get discouraged

    Lessons on encouragement from Simon Peter and Isaiah.

  • No te desánimes

    No te desánimes

    Lecciónes sobre ánimo de Simón y Isaías

  • You are the wine of God

    You are the wine of God

    If Jesus can transform ordinary water into extraordinary wine, what do you think he can do with you?

  • Eres el vino de Dios

    Eres el vino de Dios

    Si Jesús puede hacer algo tan asombroso con agua, ¿qué crees que puede hacer contigo, que es la carne viva llena del Espíritu de Dios?

  • Filled with Expectation

    Filled with Expectation

    The “people were filled with expectation”. Are you?

  • My Resolutions to End Division

    My Resolutions to End Division

    When divisions arise in your heart, mind, or in the world around you, follow the advice Saint Paul gave to the Colossians.

  • Finding God in the Fog of a New Year

    Finding God in the Fog of a New Year

    With the unseasonably warm weather this late December, there is a lot of morning fog rising off of Lake Norman and offers a great metaphor to enter the New Year.

  • The trees point to the cross

    The trees point to the cross

    Celebrating the birth is wonderful, but the cross reminds us that whatever we face “God is with us” to lead us through life’s challenges.

  • Don’t miss the moment

    Don’t miss the moment

    Too often we go through life worrying about what’s next, and we miss the here and now.

  • No te pierdas el momento

    No te pierdas el momento

    Con demasiada frecuencia pasamos por la vida preocupándonos por lo que sigue en lugar de lo que Dios ha puesto ante nosotros aquí y ahora.