Author: Deacon Scott

  • Saint Andrew and Me

    Saint Andrew and Me

    What biblical character most helps you to see your life from God’s viewpoint?

  • The Language of God

    The Language of God

    We live in a world with a confusion of voices. But there is one language we all understand.  It is the language given to us by the Holy Spirit.  It is the language of God. 

  • El Lenguaje de Dios

    El Lenguaje de Dios

    Vivimos en un mundo con confusión de voces. Pero hay un idioma que todos entendemos. Es el lenguaje que nos ha dado el Espíritu Santo. Es el lenguaje de Dios.

  • Entertaining Angels Unawares

    Entertaining Angels Unawares

    “Do not neglect hospitality to strangers, for through it some have unknowingly entertained angels.”  (Heb 13:2)  I had a visit from one of those strangers who ultimately became an ‘angel’ in disguise.  Here’s the story.  

  • Finding the new in you

    Finding the new in you

    Ways you can become ‘new’.

  • The secret to being washed clean

    The secret to being washed clean

    What is the spiritual equivalent of pollen? One of many answers is guilt, especially guilt of the past

  • What are you afraid of?

    What are you afraid of?

    Is fear keeping you from living a full life?

  • ¿A qué le temes?

    ¿A qué le temes?

    ¿El miedo te impide vivir una vida plena?

  • Tomb Time

    Tomb Time

    We need a little “tomb time” to leave Good Friday and live the resurection.

  • Tiempo de Tumba

    Tiempo de Tumba

    Necesitamos un poco de tiempo de tumba para salir del Viernes Santo y vivir la resurrección.