Author: Deacon Scott

  • My Resolutions to End Division

    My Resolutions to End Division

    When divisions arise in your heart, mind, or in the world around you, follow the advice Saint Paul gave to the Colossians.

  • Finding God in the Fog of a New Year

    Finding God in the Fog of a New Year

    With the unseasonably warm weather this late December, there is a lot of morning fog rising off of Lake Norman and offers a great metaphor to enter the New Year.

  • The trees point to the cross

    The trees point to the cross

    Celebrating the birth is wonderful, but the cross reminds us that whatever we face “God is with us” to lead us through life’s challenges.

  • Don’t miss the moment

    Don’t miss the moment

    Too often we go through life worrying about what’s next, and we miss the here and now.

  • No te pierdas el momento

    No te pierdas el momento

    Con demasiada frecuencia pasamos por la vida preocupándonos por lo que sigue en lugar de lo que Dios ha puesto ante nosotros aquí y ahora.

  • Holy Waiting

    Holy Waiting

    Transform your regular waiting into holy waiting during this Advent season.

  • La Espera Santa

    La Espera Santa

    Homilía de Primer Domingo de Adviento Transforma tu espera regular en espera santa.

  • Be Opened!

    Be Opened!

    “At the heart of the Gospel is a word that sums up the whole message of Christ.” Ephatha – be opened!

  • Ábrite


    “En el centro del Evangelio hay una pequeña palabra, muy importante. Una palabra que —en su sentido profundo— resume todo el mensaje y toda la obra de Cristo.” Estas son las palabras del Papa Benedicto. (Ángelus, 2012) ¿Cuál es esa palabra? Esta palabra es «Effetá», que significa: «ábrete».

  • When we cry out, “This is enough, Lord!”

    When we cry out, “This is enough, Lord!”

    “This is enough Lord.  Take my life.”  These were Elijah’s desperate words as he lay under a broom tree in the desert.  There have been times in my life, and maybe in your life, when I cried out, “This is enough, Lord.”  I can’t take it anymore.  What can we…