Author: Deacon Scott

  • Entonces quedaron asombrados

    Entonces quedaron asombrados

    ¿Qué debemos hacer para asombrarnos un poco más ante la presencia y el poder de Dios en nuestra vida?

  • Immersion


    The word ‘baptism’ stems from a word that means ‘immersion’. Today the Church celebrates the Baptism (i.e. immersion) of Jesus into this world. If Jesus was ‘immersed into this world fo ryour sake, are you immersed in the life of Jesus?

  • Inmersión


    La palabra “bautismo” en su griego original proviene de una palabra que significa inmersión. Hoy la Iglesia celebra la inmersión de Jesús en este mundo. La pregunta: Jesús fue sumergido en el mundo por tu bien. ¿Estás inmerso en la vida de Jesús?

  • Peering into the fog

    Peering into the fog

    I wanted blue skies and sunshine to conclude the retreat, but instead was only able to see the trees up close and fog beyond. Maybe that’s how God wants it – for me to direct my focus on that which is right before me and trust that God is silently…

  • Spreading the Nativity Virus

    Spreading the Nativity Virus

    Like the shepherds, Christmas invites all to ‘go and announce the Good News’. Its time to spread the ‘Nativity Virus’

  • What’s my mission?

    What’s my mission?

    With all the changes brought about by the pandemic, maybe it’s time to revisit the question: What is my mission in life?

  • Magnifying Virtues

    Magnifying Virtues

    Join Mary’s song, and ‘magnify’ the Lord in your life.

  • Practicing Presence

    Practicing Presence

    The watercolor beautifully illustrates ways to practice being present to another and being present to God.

  • Just for Appearances

    Just for Appearances

    It is easy to get wrapped up in appearances. By so doing, we overlook the true gift that can add order to present chaos to our lives and healing to the wounds of the past.

  • Solo por apariencias

    Solo por apariencias

    Durante esta época del año, es fácil dejarse envolver por las apariencias, tratando de que todo luzca bien. Al hacerlo, es fácil pasar por alto el verdadero regalo que puede agregar orden al caos presente y curar las heridas del pasado