Author: Deacon Scott
Joy, a most contagious virtue
Just like a virus, joy is highly contagious. In like manner, masking and social distancing prevent its spread.
Are you ready for… Rest?
Instead of “Are you ready for Christmas?” maybe the question during Advent might instead be, “Are you ready for the meek and humble of heart Jesus to enter your heart?”
Mary’s Lessons on Fear…
The angel Gabriel said, “Do not be afraid.” Mary heeded this angelic command. Throughout the rest the Annunciation narrative, she models three good ways to deal with fear
The next piece of the puzzle
People came to John the Baptist because they felt something was wrong in their life. Some pieces of the puzzle were missing, the picture was fuzzy, the boundaries were not well defined.
La vida es un rompecabezas
Podemos imaginar que cada pieza que recogemos es una oportunidad para cambiar el paisaje de nuestra vida. Cada pieza es un nuevo comienzo.
Is it “Yes, Lord” or “Yes, but”?
Jesus asks the blind man seeking to be healed, “Do you believe I can do this?” He answered “Yes, Lord.” Sometimes we answer, “Yes, but”
Saint Andrew’s my Advent hero
“How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of the one bringing good news!” Is 52:7 What we can learn from Saint Andrew during this Advent season.
What I say to you, I say to all: Watch!
Advent is a time to watch for the coming of Jesus. As I sit on my dock and gaze across the water toward the rising of the sun, I ponder the word, “Watch”. I ask the question, “What is it like to have Jesus come into my heart?”