Author: Deacon Scott

  • While waiting for the pandemic to end…

    While waiting for the pandemic to end…

    “The Master went on a journey and entrusted his possessions to his servants…After a long time, the master returned.” (see Mt 25) What does this “Parable of the Talents” say about our journey through the pandemic?

  • Esperando que termine la pandemia

    Esperando que termine la pandemia

    “El Maestro se fue de viaje y confió sus posesiones a sus sirvientes … Después de mucho tiempo, el maestro regresó”. (ver Mt 25) ¿Qué dice esta “Parábola de los Talentos” sobre nuestro viaje a través de la pandemia?

  • Begin with the end in mind, but…

    We entered this pandemic with the ‘end in mind’, whether that be herd immunity or a vaccine. Little did we know how long of a journey this was going to be.

  • La Prisión de la Falta de Perdón

    La Prisión de la Falta de Perdón

    Homilía XXIV Domingo Tiempo Ordinario “Entonces el señor lo llamó y le dijo: ‘Siervo malvado. Te perdoné toda aquella deuda porque me lo suplicaste. ¿No debías tú también haber tenido compasión de tu compañero, como yo tuve compasión de ti?’” Mt 18:21-35 ¿Hay alguien a quien necesites perdonar? Puede ser…

  • Welcome to the Prison of Unforgiveness

    Welcome to the Prison of Unforgiveness

    Homily for the 24th Sunday: If you don’t forgive, it is like handing yourself over to the torturers and sentencing yourself to prison. I call this place the Prison of Unforgiveness

  • Missing my friend…

    Missing my friend…

    It’s mid-September and I haven’t seen the beaver in a long while. I actually miss him. These feelings of longing remind me of my other lost friendships, not with critters but with people. The pandemic has completely restructured my ‘habitat’. One day I am out doing a lot of fruitful…

  • The Love Debt…

    The Love Debt…

    What do you do if someone sins against you? You don’t ‘vent’. You don’t gossip. You don’t rant. And you definitely don’t post it on Facebook! In the words of Jesus, “If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone.”

  • La deuda del amor

    La deuda del amor

    ¿Qué haces si alguien peca contra ti? No critiques, o hagas chismes, no seas compulsivo por el enojo. Y definitivamente no lo publiques en Facebook!

  • Staying connected…

    Staying connected…

    With all of the Covid protocols, we have lost these ‘networking’ and communal activities, which directly or indirectly guide our personal growth – even those that are unpleasant and a little challenging at times.

  • Bloom where you’re planted…

    Bloom where you’re planted…

    On my walk back from the dock one morning, I saw a bright orange mushroom shaped like a tiny ballistic missal emerging from the ground. I took a picture. The next morning, I saw the same mushroom only it had opened into full flower – an amazing transformation from one…