Author: Deacon Scott
Three P’s To Pull You Through This Pandemic
And behold, a Canaanite woman of that district came and called out, “Have pity on me, Lord, Son of David! My daughter is tormented by a demon.” Mt 15:21-28 There are a lot of similarities between the Canaanite woman and what we’re going through today.
Las Tres P Para Ayudarte Durante La Pandemia
Entonces una mujer cananea le salió al encuentro y se puso a gritar: “Señor, hijo de David, ten compasión de mí. Mi hija está terriblemente atormentada por un demonio”. Mt 15:21-28 Hay muchas similitudes entre la mujer cananea y nosotros hoy
Looking beyond the murkiness…
The turtle sees both the things above and the things below. Look with the eyes of the turtle (not the catfish)
Conquering the Chaos in Our Lives
One of my employees came into my office for a meeting. I started the conversation by asking, “How are things going?” I was expecting her to answer “Fine.” Instead, she replied, “I feel like I am drowning
Conquistar el Caos en Nuestras Vidas
Uno de mis empleados vino a mi oficina para una reunión. Comencé la conversación preguntando: “¿Cómo van las cosas?” Yo estaba esperando que ella respondiera “Bien.” En cambio, ella respondió: “Siento que me estoy ahogando
Awakening to our True Purpose
A few days after we brought Mack Swinney home, I took him down to the dock to join me in morning prayer. All of our previous dogs have been my loyal prayer partners. I wanted him to become part of this the venerable tradition. When I looked up from my…
Sacrifice, Grace, and the Goose
As the sun began to brighten the morning sky, two geese quietly swam past the dock. I happened to have some bread with me, so I tossed out a few pieces. Wary and alert to any sign of danger they approached cautiously. The smaller of the two, I assume the…
Finding the Kingdom of God in Our Daily Lives
Homily for 17th Sunday of Ordinary Time How many people walked across that field without seeing the treasure? How many times do you and I go about our daily routine and completely miss the treasure that is right here before us?
Encontrar el Reino de Dios en nuestra vida diaria
¿Cuánta gente que caminaba por el campo sin ver el tesoro? ¿Cuántas veces usted y yo avanzamos en nuestra rutina diaria y se pierda por completo el reino que está aquí delante de nosotros?
A Time for Transformation
The pictures shows an amazing make-over of a statue of Jesus we have on the trail at the Catholic Conference Center. Though the remake beautifies the trails, we can also look at the statue symbolically. The ‘before’ picture may represent our spiritual life before the pandemic – a little neglected…