Category: Homily

  • How to keep from sinking

    How to keep from sinking

    In a fallen world, how do we keep from sinking into chaos?

  • You are the pearl of great value

    You are the pearl of great value

    God is searching for you! You are the priceless pearl and the buried treasure.

  • Do you love me?

    Do you love me?

    The question that trumps all other questions.

  • Giving a reason to hope

    Giving a reason to hope

    How can you “always be ready to give a reason for your hope”?

  • Symbols of Hope

    Symbols of Hope

    We enter the holiest of weeks highlighting two powerful symbols of hope:  the palm branch and the cross. 

  • Two Voices

    Two Voices

    How do we combat temptations? One way is to listen to the right voice.

  • Are you salt or light?

    Are you salt or light?

    What are ways you can be salt of the earth and light of the world?

  • Answering a Call

    Answering a Call

    Do you treat a call from God the same as a call on your smartphone?

  • Trust in God’s Impossible Option

    Trust in God’s Impossible Option

    Stuck? Trust God to find a way.

  • Be patient

    Be patient

    What is God’s answer to almost all of our questions? Be patient.