Category: Homily

  • Welcome to the Prison of Unforgiveness

    Welcome to the Prison of Unforgiveness

    Homily for the 24th Sunday: If you don’t forgive, it is like handing yourself over to the torturers and sentencing yourself to prison. I call this place the Prison of Unforgiveness

  • The Love Debt…

    The Love Debt…

    What do you do if someone sins against you? You don’t ‘vent’. You don’t gossip. You don’t rant. And you definitely don’t post it on Facebook! In the words of Jesus, “If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone.”

  • Three P’s To Pull You Through This Pandemic

    Three P’s To Pull You Through This Pandemic

    And behold, a Canaanite woman of that district came and called out, “Have pity on me, Lord, Son of David!   My daughter is tormented by a demon.”  Mt 15:21-28 There are a lot of similarities between the Canaanite woman and what we’re going through today.

  • Conquering the Chaos in Our Lives

    Conquering the Chaos in Our Lives

    One of my employees came into my office for a meeting. I started the conversation by asking, “How are things going?” I was expecting her to answer “Fine.” Instead, she replied, “I feel like I am drowning

  • Finding the Kingdom of God in Our Daily Lives

    Finding the Kingdom of God in Our Daily Lives

    Homily for 17th Sunday of Ordinary Time How many people walked across that field without seeing the treasure? How many times do you and I go about our daily routine and completely miss the treasure that is right here before us?

  • I wish there were no more pandemic…

    I wish there were no more pandemic…

    Homily for the 16th Sunday of Ordinary Time I wish things were different today. I wish I didn’t have to wear a mask. I wish I could meet with my business associates and network. I wish I could go out to lunch with my friends. I wish I could go…

  • Remember the days before COVID?

    Remember the days before COVID?

    Homily for the Feast of Corpus Christi Remember. It is the first word out of the mouth of Moses when he addressed the Israelites (Dt 8:2-3). He said the to the Israelites: Remember how when you were lost, the Lord led you out of the desert. Remember how when you…