Category: Reflections

  • Seeing incredible things

    Seeing incredible things

    Advent is a time to lose our skepticism and see ‘incredible things’ every day.

  • Is it “Yes, Lord” or “Yes, but”?

    Is it “Yes, Lord” or “Yes, but”?

    Jesus asks the blind man seeking to be healed, “Do you believe I can do this?” He answered “Yes, Lord.” Sometimes we answer, “Yes, but”

  • Advent Acts of Kindness

    Advent Acts of Kindness

    Consider doing a new “Advent Act of Kindness” each day.

  • Hiking the Pandemic Trail

    Hiking the Pandemic Trail

    Lessons from the Appalachian Trail to guide us through this pandemic.

  • Saint Andrew’s my Advent hero

    Saint Andrew’s my Advent hero

    “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of the one bringing good news!” Is 52:7 What we can learn from Saint Andrew during this Advent season.

  • Begin with the end in mind, but…

    We entered this pandemic with the ‘end in mind’, whether that be herd immunity or a vaccine. Little did we know how long of a journey this was going to be.

  • Missing my friend…

    Missing my friend…

    It’s mid-September and I haven’t seen the beaver in a long while. I actually miss him. These feelings of longing remind me of my other lost friendships, not with critters but with people. The pandemic has completely restructured my ‘habitat’. One day I am out doing a lot of fruitful…

  • Staying connected…

    Staying connected…

    With all of the Covid protocols, we have lost these ‘networking’ and communal activities, which directly or indirectly guide our personal growth – even those that are unpleasant and a little challenging at times.

  • Bloom where you’re planted…

    Bloom where you’re planted…

    On my walk back from the dock one morning, I saw a bright orange mushroom shaped like a tiny ballistic missal emerging from the ground. I took a picture. The next morning, I saw the same mushroom only it had opened into full flower – an amazing transformation from one…

  • Looking beyond the murkiness…

    Looking beyond the murkiness…

    The turtle sees both the things above and the things below. Look with the eyes of the turtle (not the catfish)