Recent Blog Posts
An ordinary dream demands a new interpretation
“What’s it like?” That’s a question Michele McCreary, a long-time acquaintance, asked me in a dream. She was talking to someone I used to work with before I retired. When our eyes met, she asked, “What’s it like?” I thought she was asking about my retirement, as many people had…
“What happened to the sun?” asked the two year old
Last week, I was at Emerald Isle with my family. In addition to my delight in being with my children and grandchildren and their spouses and partners, I received a neat lesson on the spiritual life. I was holding one of my grandsons, J.B., who is two and a half. …
Three reasons God places a stranger in your path
Occasionally, I experience what I call a ‘random ministerial encounter’. I think we’ve all had them. It’s when God places someone in your path, and you realize it’s not a coincidence (as nothing with God ever is). After these encounters, I wonder, “Why did God place this person in my…
When we cry out, “This is enough, Lord.”
When you find yourself in spiritual desolation and feel like saying, “This is enough, Lord,” there is one question to ask: Who’s voice am I listening to – is it the voice of the Good Angel, or someone else?
A powerful lesson from a shy little girl
“Out of the mouths of babes…” goes the saying (PS 8:2). I might add out of their coloring markers too. My daughter Molly and I were both shy and introverted when she was four and I was forty. I would hold her close. Together, we would gaze upon the landscape…
The three most important items for a faith journey
Jesus sent the twelve on a journey (Mk 6:7-13). Jesus also sends us on a journey. It is a journey of faith, a journey of life, and a journey of mission. Let us join the twelve and learn what Jesus has to teach. It first was a journey of faith. …
The best way to cross to the other side
Last weekend I discovered a unique treasure of North Carolina: The Flowering Bridge of Lake Lure. In 2013, a group of volunteers received approval from the state to convert a decommissioned old bridge into twelve themed, landscaped gardens. There are now 30 gardens with over 2,000 species of plants across the bridge and…
One Thing Contrary to the Kingdom of God: Control
When facing life’s uncertainties, what can you do?
A Way to Add Focus during Your Daily Examen
A daily Examen is a great technique to see God in the everyday. But what if you have trouble focusing?