Ministries Supported

Come, you that are blessed by my Father…

(see Mt 25:34-40)

Through the Font of Mercy, God’s mercy flows from the spiritual works of mercy to the corporal works of mercy. The spiritual works include spiritual direction and offering retreats. Donations received from these works of mercy are redirected to support the corporal works of mercy Jesus highlights in Matthew 25.

For I was hungry and you gave me food..

The Corner Table provides meals with compassion, respect, and dignity to those in our community affected by hunger.

I was a stranger and you welcomed me..

Strong Life Rescue Mission fosters restoration in the lives of those in poverty, including people who are without housing, food insecure, and dealing with addiction or mental health issues.

I was naked and you gave me clothing…

Ashure Ministry provides crisis assistance. This includes food support, rent and utility help, and financial training. The thrift store offers quality items at affordable prices to bargain shoppers

I was in prison and you visited me…

Deacon Scott, the founder of the Font of Mercy, has ministered to inmates in several prisons for over 20 years. In addition to personal visits, he is on the Community Resource Council which pools community resources to fund the hard to budget items like holiday dinners, movies, and socials.

Truly I tell you,
just as you did this to one of the least ones,
you did this to me.

Ways you can help the Font of Mercy flow