Saint Andrew and Me

I’ve been doing a lot of assigned writing for Divine Mercy University as part of their spiritual direction certificate program. The latest prompt: What biblical character most helps you to see your life from God’s viewpoint? Great question. I chose Saint Andrew, for the reasons below. After reading my response, ask yourself: Who would I choose?

Andrew the Apostle is one biblical figure that has given me insight into my life with the Lord.  Andrew is only mentioned twice in the gospels.  One of the reasons I identify with Andrew is that I too prefer to quietly work behind the scenes, and have come to understand that the Lord would like me to set my ego aside and my desire for recognition and do the same; be salt and leaven behind the scenes.

There are just two times Andrew appeared in the gospel, and both of these also have parallels in my life.  In the first, Andrew showed Peter where the Lord may be found, boldly proclaiming “We have found the Messiah!” (Jn 1:41)  As I grew in my own faith, I saw more and more my heart drawn toward helping those who live on the margins.  I bring this experience back to the Church, the rock of Peter, a Church that sometimes appears to be out of touch with those who are on the ‘outside’. It’s almost as if I am saying, “I have found the Messiah!  I have found him in the people I meet who feel left out, especially those in nursing homes, soup kitchens, group homes, and prisons.”

Later in the gospel, Andrew appears again at the multiplication of the loaves and fishes.  Other disciples lamented, “It would take more than half a year’s wages to buy enough bread!” (Jn 6:7) Andrew, however, saw something the others did not.  “Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish…”  (Jn 6:9) Such a ludicrous proposition might have invited a great deal of ridicule.  But Andrew advanced the meager offering and by so doing initiated the miraculous feeding.  This also tracks well with my life.  I often see new and different possibilities others do not.  I am responding to the Lord best when I point these out, even if they involve some personal risk or ridicule.

As a person whose natural tendency is to be shy and introverted, it’s been difficult for me to occasionally step into the limelight, enter certain ministerial situations, or propose the ludicrous.  It has taken a great deal of prayer and growing trust that God will give me the grace I need to step up or speak out – and maybe a few interventions from Saint Andrew.  These promptings of the Lord are subtle.  But as I’ve grown in faith, they have become easier to recognize. 

Another part of the writing prompt was how does the devil tend to attack? For me, the devil seizes on this desire of mine to safely remain in my own private sanctuary.  It is usually the voice that says I don’t have enough time, I don’t have what this person needs, or it’s none of my concern.  When I ignore the voice of the Lord I am reminded afterward through both subtle signs (people saying we missed you) or not so subtle (life momentarily going off the rails.)  I look back and realize I’ve been listening to the wrong voice.   

As a teenager, I chose Andrew as my confirmation saint name.   He was the patron of fishermen, and I liked fishing.  Looking back, I realize I didn’t choose Andrew, but he chose me.  And for reasons that have nothing to do with fishing.   

That’s the biblical figure I chose. Who would be yours? And why?


2 responses to “Saint Andrew and Me”

  1. Margaret Lejarre Avatar
    Margaret Lejarre

    What a great insight to my neighbor and friend.

    1. Scott Avatar

      Thanks! Say hello to George for me.