Tag: presence

  • Living in the Now

    Living in the Now

    One day, the honeybees appeared in great numbers on plumes rising above the pompous grass by my mailbox. They found a treasure trove of pollen from the late summer blooms and celebrated maybe their last hurrah before settling in for the winter. I was fortunate enough to capture a photo…

  • Three Gifts Jesus Gave in the Cenacle

    Three Gifts Jesus Gave in the Cenacle

    What did Jesus give to the frightened disciples to make them go from fearful to fearless?

  • A surprising new path to the mountaintop

    A surprising new path to the mountaintop

    God is filled with surprises when it comes to discernment.

  • Don’t miss the moment

    Don’t miss the moment

    Too often we go through life worrying about what’s next, and we miss the here and now.

  • Practicing Presence

    Practicing Presence

    The watercolor beautifully illustrates ways to practice being present to another and being present to God.

  • Begin with the end in mind, but…

    We entered this pandemic with the ‘end in mind’, whether that be herd immunity or a vaccine. Little did we know how long of a journey this was going to be.