The best way to cross to the other side

Last weekend I discovered a unique treasure of North Carolina: The Flowering Bridge of Lake Lure. In 2013, a group of volunteers received approval from the state to convert a decommissioned old bridge into twelve themed, landscaped gardens. There are now 30 gardens with over 2,000 species of plants across the bridge and surrounding areas. As an added plus, the unique climate of the gorge extends the blooming seasons of many plants. It seemed like everything was in bloom. 

Along with the flowers, the view from the bridge is stunning. Upstream stands the majestic Chimney Rock. Downstream the water collects in Lake Lure, a deep blue gem in the Blue Ridge Mountains. 

As I toured the gardens and crossed the bridge from one side to the other, I thought about my crossing, from a work-a-day life to a much less demanding retired life. My last day at the center is June 30. The decision came with a certain amount of fear and anxiety about making the transition. 

The flowering bridge reminded me that instead of filling the crossing with the weeds of worry, I should fill it with flowers of delight. In other words, enjoy the journey. Make each new and unfamiliar moment a time for discovery and an invitation to deepen my connection with my lost inner self, others, and the Lord. 

Jesus told his disciples, “Let us cross to the other side.” (Mk 4:35) During the crossing, the disciples were terrified of the wind and the waves. Jesus, in contrast, fell asleep on a pillow in the front of the boat. I think he decided he was going to enjoy the crossing. When awakened, he asked the disciples, perplexed: “Do you not yet have faith?”

The lesson for me is that life is filled with transitions – crossings from one season to another. Rather than look at the uncertainty with terror and doubt, I can trust that Jesus is in the boat with me and relax in his presence. While making the journey to the other side, I can smell the flowers as I cross, and maybe even take a nap. 

May God sprinkle many flowers along the crossings that come your way.  


One response to “The best way to cross to the other side”

  1. Brian Colton Avatar
    Brian Colton

    Love the flowering bridge and your messages!