The Language of God

Homily for Pentecost Sunday

Multi-Cultural Pentecost Festival at Saint Joseph, Newton

On that day of Pentecost 2,000 years ago, “devout Jews from every nation under heaven were staying in Jerusalem.” They all spoke different languages. But then something happened. The Holy Spirit showed up in a strong driving wind and tongues of fire. MIracoulsy, the people understood what each other was saying.

Just like the disciples on that day of Pentecost, we speak different languages and look at things from different viewpoints.  We live in a world with a confusion of voices, some quite divisive. But there is one language we all understand.  It is the language given to us by the Holy Spirit.  It is the language of God. 

Pentecost is a time to reacquaint ourselves with this language, to relearn the language of God. 

It is the language that infants hear as they are being formed in the womb; the same language that the saints hear as they behold the face of God; the same language that you hear spoken in the depths of your soul – if you listen.

Pentecost is a time to learn an ancient language that was around before the beginning of time; the same language Adam whispered to Eve before taking a bite of the apple; the same language that Jesus uttered on the cross when he “cried out again in a loud voice, and gave up his spirit.”  Mt 27:50

It is a powerful language.  One word can open the ears of the deaf, cast out legions of demons, give a dead little girl new life, and send a thief to paradise! 

The language of God is different than the language of the world.  The language of God speaks love, not hate.  Joy, not despair.  Trust, not worry.  The language of God unites, not divides, builds up not tears down, speaks truth not empty promises. 

The language of God is the breath of Jesus saying, “peace be with you.” 

In fact, this is a language that everyone knows but not everyone speaks.  Pentecost reminds us that it is time to speak the language of God to a world that seems to have forgotten. 

What can we do? What can we do in a world where people have forgotten the language of God.  Simple.  Avoid speaking the language of the world.  Start speaking the language of the God.

To speak a new language requires practice.  We need to practice speaking the language of God throughout the day to the people around us.  We need to practice listening to the language of God speaking to the circumstances of our lives and the inner thoughts of our hearts. 

With confidence in the power of the Holy Spirit, begin speaking the language of God.  To a world that has forgotten, speak the language of encouragement and healing.  Speak the language of patience and peace.  Speak the language of wonder and mystery.  Speak the language of forgiveness and compassion.

By speaking the language of God, we can renew the face of the earth.  Throughout the week, ask yourself:  Are my words and my actions speaking the language of God, or the language of the world?


4 responses to “The Language of God”

  1. Selina Diaz Avatar
    Selina Diaz

    Love this homily!!!!!

    1. Scott Avatar

      Thanks! It was nice sharing a little food with you yesterday too.

  2. Laura Avatar

    I need to dig in on this: “We need to practice listening to the language of God speaking to the circumstances of our lives and the inner thoughts of our hearts.”

    Thank you!

    1. Scott Avatar

      You’re not the only one. Thanks for the reminder.