The three most important items for a faith journey

Jesus sent the twelve on a journey (Mk 6:7-13).  Jesus also sends us on a journey.  It is a journey of faith, a journey of life, and a journey of mission.  Let us join the twelve and learn what Jesus has to teach. 

It first was a journey of faith.  This journey begins in Nazareth.  The gospel says that Jesus could not perform any mighty deeds in their lives because of their lack of faith.  It might be said that Jesus is unable to perform any mighty deeds in your life because of your lack faith.

To improve their lack of faith, Jesus sent the twelve on a journey of faith.  Faith is a virtue.  Like all virtues, it must be practiced.  Jesus knew his twelve needed to practice their faith.  He asked them to practice their faith by overcoming their doubts and going into a land of danger and uncertainty.  They needed to trust that God would provide them with all they needed.

When we respond to God with obedience and trust, our faith increases.  When the twelve returned, they were amazed at their ability to expel demons and heal the afflicted.  With this increased faith, they were able to perform mighty deeds.

It was also a journey of life.  Jesus told them to go on this journey with only three things:  a staff, sandals, and a partner.  Each of these items can be viewed symbolically as necessary items we need to navigate the difficulties in our life. 

The first item was the staff.  A staff supports person.  A staff would help a person climb a hill or navigate rough terrain.  A person can lean on a staff when he or she is tired. 

The staff is Jesus.  Throughout our journey, we need to get used to leaning on Jesus for support, and not leaning on oneself, in good times and in bad.  We need to let Jesus prop us up when we are too tired to go any further. 

A staff conveys authority.  The twelve went on their journey with the authority of Jesus.  With the staff, they had the power of Jesus to expel demons.   With the staff, they were also ambassadors representing Jesus in all they said and did. 

With the staff of Jesus, we are to enter situations with the heart of Jesus and model the same forgiveness, compassion, and love of Jesus. 

A staff fends off wild animals and thieves.  The twelve needed the staff for protection. 

On our journey, we also need the staff for protection from the hostile forces around us.  The staff will also help us fend off the wild beasts within us: our prejudice, anger, envy, gluttony, and pride.

The second item was the sandals.  The sandals provide some separation between the person and the muck of the animals on the roads. 

For you and me, the sandals mean we need to be separate from the muck of the world.  To be holy means to be set apart, or as Saint Paul says, “To be in the world but not of the world.”  Jesus says if the town does not receive you, shake the dust off of your feet.  Shake the wickedness, the evil, the duplicity, and the misplaced values of the world off your feet.

In other words, you can watch the news to become informed.  But don’t let the bias and drama stick to your sandals. 

The third item Jesus sent the twelve with was a partner.  Faith is not just between me and God.  It’s meant to be shared with others.  Faith grows stronger when it is shared.  The other person can inspire us with their stories, provide an example to follow, keep us on the right path, and help dispel doubts.  In Genesis, God said it is not good for man to be alone.  We need a partner in our journey of faith.

Through our journey of life, we need the staff of Jesus for protection and support.  We need the sandals to keep us holy.  And we need a partner to help us grow in our faith. 

Lastly, it was a journey of mission.  Jesus sent the twelve out on a mission of healing, of both spiritual and physical healing.  They were to expel demons.  They were to cure the sick.  Carrying the staff of Jesus, they were to bring the healing presence of Jesus to the dark corners of the world. 

We too are on a healing mission.  We are to bring the presence of Jesus to heal a broken world.  By our faith, our life, and our healing, we will proclaim “The Kingdom is God is at Hand.”