God’s Executive Order…

Reflection for the 3rd Monday of Advent

“By what authority are you doing these things? And who gave you this authority?” Mt 21:23-37

The chief priests and the scribes ask Jesus a pointed question: Who gave you the authority to do these things. Jesus replied with a provocative question, inviting them to go a little deeper and explore the implications of the coming of the Messiah and all that foretold. They didn’t go there.

With governmental leaders grappling with the pandemic, mandates across the country range in response – some draconian, some laissez faire. There are a whole variety of masking requirements, curfews, limits on family gatherings, attempts to impede religious services, and limits on travel.

In each state, a more than a handful of people respond with the same question as the scribes and chief priests: “By what authority are you doing these things?”

Deep down, people are skeptical of a higher power that claims to genuinely have their best interest at heart. Historically, this may be a healthy response. Too many times leaders, especially governmental leaders, have served their own interest all in the name of the common good. Too many times the ‘experts’ have been wrong. This skeptical reaction is part of our historical consciousness. It might be part of our DNA.

As I approach these last two weeks leading up to Nativity, I wonder if my own skepticism and innate mistrust of the ‘powers’ spills over into my relationship with God. Do I treat God as one of several ‘higher powers’, not the source of all power? Do I spend too much time looking for ‘verifiable science’ before moving forward with what I know God wants me to do? Do I look at God’s commands as one of many available from which I can choose?

Evidence that I am properly grounded in my relationship with God are easy to spot, a little harder to cultivate. Peace, patience, kindness, thanksgiving, joy and similar other fruits of the Spirit are good signs I’m following the right proclamation. Evidence that I am not are fear, worry, anxiety, dissention, anxiety and snippiness – sure signs that I’ve given up on the only authority that matters.

The Governor of North Carolina recently issued a new Executive Order on slowing the spread of Covid-19 which not-surprisingly received mixed reviews from a pandemic weary population. God has time and time again issued proclamations, culminating in the sending of his beloved Son, the Executive Order to trump all others. All of these ‘Executive Orders’ – scripture and the entirety of the gospel message, especially the Nativity – can be summed up in three points:

  1. I am with you.
  2. I love you.
  3. Trust me.

As we struggle to find a path through the mandates and restrictions, through the conflict and division, through the pain and uncertainty surrounding this pandemic… keep in the forefront the only true authority and the ‘Executive Order’ to guide all others.